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 extracted from Apple Daily 

Extracted from Apple Daily

Face Mask Donation to the Needy during

Coronavirus Outbreak

Regeneration Society 12 & 17 Feb 2020

As the number of novel Coronavirus cases rises in Hong Kong, the shortage of face masks and other disinfectant products put a strain on our community, especially for the underprivileged.  In this circumstance, Regeneration Society received face masks donation from Wong  Chak Chui Charitable Foundation Limited for the needy in the very early stage. 


To show our love for the community, ViAsia PR contributes to arrange media to announce the donation event held on 12 Feb so that the needy can get the face masks promptly. Thanks to all media, there were 800 needy receiving 6400 face masks on the donation event.  


As the event obtained massive media coverage, including TV news looping all day, Regeneration Society soon received another face masks donation from Vinflair Logistics Limited and postage donation from Shang Sin Chun Tong Charitable Foundation Limited. The second donation event was arranged to be held immediately on 17 Feb. Again, ViAsia PR arranged media to announce the second charity event. 4000 face masks were donated to 500 needy the second time. 


Stay Strong. With love, we shall overcome! 

Scope of Services

- Promotion and Publicity 

- Media Invitation 

- Media Pitching and Liaison 

- Media Release and Monitoring 

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