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Photo Album Collection for

the 60th Anniversary Celebration of United College, CUHK

2016-2017 is a year of great joy for United College, CUHK, celebrating its 60th Anniversary since its foundation in 1956.  Celebratory events and activities involving 240,000 alumni, 3,000 students, 300 staff and the community, began from November 2015 until end 2017. 

In order to record the joyous and historical moments of the 60th Anniversary, and to celebrate the 88th Birthday of Dr Thomas CHEUNG, the Chairman of United College Board of Trustees and Chairman of United College 60th Anniversary Celebration Steering Committee, the United College Alumni Association decided to design and collaborate a photo album collection on the 60th Anniversary Celebration as a memorable birthday gift to Dr. CHEUNG.

ViAsia PR is responsible for the design, artwork, layout and production of the photo album collection (3 books) comprising over 1200 photos of nearly 70 events from November 2015 to end of 2017.  We have also specially designed a birthday card for Dr. Cheung's 88th Birthday.  The Alumni Association presented the photo album collection and birthday card together with the birthday cake, all in the same design concept, at the birthday banquet.  Dr. CHEUNG and every guest have enjoyed an unforgettable night.

This exclusively designed 60th Anniversary photo album collection is loved by the participating guests and is later reproduced for other guests as requested.

Scope of Services

- Graphic Design, Artwork and Layout
- Content & Editing
- Printing and Production

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